The Spirit Realm: 12 Things Christians Should Know
Few topics polarize the Body of Christ like the spirit realm and spiritual warfare. The discussions may not be as passionate as the gift of
Few topics polarize the Body of Christ like the spirit realm and spiritual warfare. The discussions may not be as passionate as the gift of
Driving demons out of people is one of the signs to follow believers (Mark 16:17). What are the qualifications for someone to minister in deliverance?
“Do you think Christian Counselors are more open to deliverance ministry these days?” I hear this question periodically. I do not know about numbers, but
Jesus dealt with the demonic realm a great deal in the gospels, primarily in the context of casting them out. He trained the disciples to
Deliverance ministry is the driving out of demons. Where should the deliverance minister send demons? Should they tell them to go somewhere or just leave it
The phrase “there are many different ways to skin a cat” certainly applies to deliverance ministry. Apart from the furor of animal rights activists, the
The Deliverance Academy is dedicated to providing: (1) Superior training products so ministers can learn our Five-Step Deliverance Ministry Process and be effective in setting the captives free (Mark 16:17) and (2) Excellent spiritual warfare training products.