About US

Above & Beyond Deliverance Academy operates under the umbrella of Above & Beyond Counseling Ministries, Inc., a Florida corporation.  

Donald Ibbitson and Phyllis Tarbox began the company in 2008. They have many years of experience and have ministered to thousands of clients and seminar attendees.

The Counseling Center has expanded to counselors counselors who work out of three Florida offices and also help clients around the world via web conferencing.

The deliverance training resources reflect our experience and expertise we use to help clients and seminar attendees. In addition to the Counseling Center and Deliverance Academy, the Counseling Academy offers a field of study for motivated students to earn a Christian Counseling degree and NCCA license. More details below.

The Deliverance Academy focuses on providing excellent training courses and materials to help motivated students become better equipped to minister in deliverance and engage in spiritual warfare.

We also have a:

  • Christian Counseling Center which ministers to clients in Florida and worldwide over the internet.  Our counselors are licensed with the National Christian Counselors Association, have advanced degrees and extensive experience. A major focus for us is deliverance ministry, using our proven and effective five step process to help set the captives free.

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  • Christian Counseling Academy which is aligned with the National Christian Counselors Association. We offer affordable, self-paced home study programs to help students earn their Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral degrees in Clinical Christian Counseling and be concurrently licensed with the NCCA.

Our Instructors

Donald J. Ibbitson, PhD

Don has been in full time Christian counseling and deliverance ministry since 2001. He has a PhD in Clinical Christian Psychology from the Jacksonville Theological Seminary.

He is a Professional Clinical Member of National Christian Counselors Association and is licensed as an “NCCA Clinical Pastoral Counselor-Advanced Certification”. He is also an ordained minister. His educational background also includes an MBA from Stanford University and a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Prior to entering full time ministry he worked as an Associate Pastor in a non-denominational church and also held a variety of engineering and business-related positions in the secular marketplace.

He has met and worked with thousands of clients in one-on-one counseling situations dealing with individual, marriage and family issues.

He also has extensive experience in deliverance ministry and has, along with Phyllis Tarbox, developed resources and conducted seminars that have helped many thousands of people in the US and other countries. Dr. Ibbitson has hosted group deliverance seminars since 2001, leading teams of minsters to help many thousands of attendees to get free from demonic torment.

He is also an educator and supervises Christian Counseling students enrolled in the Academy’s degree programs. Dr. Ibbitson was a lecturer at Christian Family Church Institute (CFCI) Bible College in Tampa, FL where he taught on deliverance ministry and pastoral counseling.

Phyllis J. Tarbox, PhD

Phyllis has a PhD in Clinical Christian Counseling from Cornerstone University.

She is a Professional Clinical Member of the National Christian Counselors Association and is licensed as an “NCCA Clinical Pastoral Counselor”. She is also an ordained minister. Prior to securing her PhD, Phyllis earned a Masters in Clinical Christian Counseling from Cornerstone University.

Phyllis has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Florida and before entering fulltime counseling ministry she worked for a large insurance company in the private sector. Phyllis works with individuals and couples in the realm of Christian counseling and also deals with families and children extensively.

She is very active in deliverance ministry with adults also and has helped prepare deliverance ministry training resources for students. She has also developed and implemented a special program for ministering deliverance to children.

Dr. Tarbox was also a lecturer at Christian Family Church Institute (CFCI) Bible College in Tampa, FL where she taught the deliverance ministry course.


Download our deliverance ministry guide, "7 Keys To Becoming a Successful Deliverance Minister". This informative guide is yours with no obligation.

The Deliverance Academy is dedicated to providing: (1) Superior training products so ministers can learn our Five-Step Deliverance Ministry Process and be effective in setting the captives free (Mark 16:17) and (2) Excellent spiritual warfare training products.

NCCA Accreditation

The National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.) as a Comprehensive Accredited Member. Website: www.accreditnow.com