Uganda Mission Trip:

Deliverance Ministry Training

August 2024


We were invited to be part of a mission trip to  One City Ministries in Mbale Uganda in August of 2024.

Grace Family Church in Tampa put the trip together and Don conducted a two day Boot Camp training session for approximately 25 pastors.

Uganda is rife with generational strife and curses that have tormented the people. The church is well aware of the damage and have confronted it for centuries. The pastors were very hungry and receptive to what we had to teach.

See the comments by Michael Gilbert, the Executive Director, at the bottom of the page.

Donations from our “Warrior Partner” program helped make this venture possible. We were able to supply them with training and the resources so they could be better equipped to drive out demons.

We are going to train in Kenya; will you help us?

Mbale Uganda

One City Ministries

One City was founded by Michael and Deb Gilbert in 2008 to battle the systemically-entrenched poverty that exists in developing countries.

One City’s array of programs empowers Ugandans physically, mentally, and spiritually while incorporating practical economic development strategies to deliver lasting change. Each program has been custom-formulated with a unique understanding of the many cultural issues that exist and focuses on enabling families to break poverty’s life-threatening patterns.

They intend to take this sustainable model to other parts of Africa and, eventually, different parts of the world. Many of the root causes of poverty are the same regardless of location. They have successfully created a model that equips people to break the cycle of poverty

Warrior Partner Program

Help Us Train the Nations to Cast Out Demons (Mark 16:17)
Learn More

Watch this One (1) Minute Video About the Mission


How Did It Go?

Michael Gilbert

Senior Pastor / Executive Director
One City Ministries, Inc.

From the Director:

"Light has an undeniable power over darkness, illuminating even the deepest shadows. Those who have journeyed through Africa understand the intensity of the spiritual battles within its borders. With years of experience in Deliverance Ministries and over 16 years of running a comprehensive ministry in Africa, my wife and I have long envisioned sharing the transformative power of deliverance with our pastors and clergy in Uganda. In 2024, God answered that longing by bringing Don Ibbitson and his transformative deliverance ministry into our midst. What we witnessed was not merely a flicker of hope but a blazing flame, an explosive spiritual wildfire that ignited a passion for change and renewed hope that our church leaders have embraced as a call to action. And action they have taken by turning this into a transformative movement for spiritual change."

The Deliverance Academy is dedicated to providing: (1) Superior training products so ministers can learn our Five-Step Deliverance Ministry Process and be effective in setting the captives free (Mark 16:17) and (2) Excellent spiritual warfare training products.

NCCA Accreditation

The National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.) as a Comprehensive Accredited Member. Website: