[Video] “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar

This video product was recorded at Arise Church in Brandon FL during a “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar. It comprises the teaching videos and handouts for each of the sessions.

At  Above & Beyond, we have followed the same seminar format for many years:

  • Session 1: Teaching – Open Doors (Thursday night)
  • Session 2: Teaching – Closing Doors (Friday Night)
  • Session 3: Deliverance Session (Saturday Morning)
    • There are three topics included in this session video:
      1. Introductory Remarks
      2. Deliverance Session Snippets – images and videos from the actual session
      3. Closing Instructions
  • Session 4: Teaching – Staying Free
    •  There is no formal meeting time for Session 4.  This teaching, on how to stay free and walk out deliverance, comprises a teaching video and handouts. It is emailed to attendees following the seminar. Phyllis has recorded this teaching again as part of this video series.

Each of the sessions, with associated handouts, is covered in the topics below.

The Deliverance Academy is dedicated to providing: (1) Superior training products so ministers can learn our Five-Step Deliverance Ministry Process and be effective in setting the captives free (Mark 16:17) and (2) Excellent spiritual warfare training products.

NCCA Accreditation

The National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.) as a Comprehensive Accredited Member. Website: www.accreditnow.com