Deliverance Ministry Boot Camp

Welcome to the new Deliverance Ministry Boot Camp!

We hope that you enjoy this updated release of our premier training product on how to set the captive free. Watch the short video, download and print out the materials suggested below (you will find them under Course Materials lesson below) and begin your journey..

  1. Download the “Deliverance Ministry: Plain & Simple” eManual. It gives an excellent overview of our Academy and approach to deliverance ministry and you may choose to print it out.
  2. Download and print the “Helpful Hints” handout for each session below. You will find them helpful as you prepare your own approach for each session.
  3. Download and print the session handouts below.
  4. Download the PowerPoint presentations below.

All of the Handouts and PowerPoints are contained in each appropriate lesson area but they are included below for your convenience.

Most of the lessons contain a lesson transcript which you can download and some contain additional notes and teachings. If so, that will be noted in the lesson notes area.

The Deliverance Academy is dedicated to providing: (1) Superior training products so ministers can learn our Five-Step Deliverance Ministry Process and be effective in setting the captives free (Mark 16:17) and (2) Excellent spiritual warfare training products.

NCCA Accreditation

The National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.) as a Comprehensive Accredited Member. Website: