[Video] “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminar



We are excited to unveil this video product that many have been asking for! It comprises the complete teachings and handouts that we use at our group “Released to Soar” Deliverance Seminars. We have ministered to thousands of attendees in this format and it is very effective! Check out our registrant testimonials.

The group seminars provide individual deliverance ministry in a group environment. There is no interview session, which is part of our individual ministry process. Our prayer team members minister to the prayee without knowledge of their background. This feature puts extra onus on the attendees to be attentive to the teachings and prepare their homework for Session 3, the deliverance session.


  1. Session 1:  Teaching 1Open Doors for Demonic Torment [Thursday night]
  2. Session 2: Teaching 2Closing Open Doors [Friday night]
  3. Session 3: Deliverance Ministry Session [Saturday morning, typically four hours duration]
    1. Introductory Remarks
    2. Snippets and stills from Deliverance Ministry session
    3. Closing Instruction
  4. Session 4: Teaching 3Staying on the Narrow Road to Life [follow up email with video link and handouts]

What you'll learn

  • Biblical basis for deliverance ministry
  • Body Soul and Spirit Model which explains how and where demonic torment occurs
  • The nature of the demonic realm
  • Open doors for demons to attack and indwell us
  • How to prepare for deliverance by closing the open doors so that the ministry session will flow smoothly
  • How to stay free and walk out deliverance to secure and maintain the freedom gained.

Are You Ready To Start?

Get started for a one-time investment of $113

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